Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Up since 3am

My body has turned against me.  If Riley wakes up any time after 3am, which is most nights, I can't get back to sleep!  So here I am posting a blog at 5:20am because I can't sleep and the little one in my belly is doing somersaults (it is play time).
I try everything to get back to sleep; count sheep, think of blackness, sing lullaby's in my head, tense my muscles then relax, after an hour of tossing and turning, I give up and make my way downstairs to work.
I experienced this lack of sleep with my first pregnancy, but not this early on.  My belly has expanded a lot quicker this time, as it did not have much time to recuperate, and I am feeling very uncomfortable already.  I'm not even 6 months along!  It is amazing how different these two pregnancies have been.
Wish me luck, I'm off to count sheep again.  Baaaaa!

1 comment:

  1. For sure each pregnancy is different :) It is nice that your two will be so close in age, in a way, that they will have each other as great playmates :)
