Saturday, July 23, 2011

All Hail to the Single Mom

I would like to do a shout out to all the single moms out there.  I don't know how you do it.  There should be an award for surviving being a single parent.

I say this, because I had food poisoning this week.  Thank God, my husband was off work the next day to take care of Riley, because I was useless!  I was weak, still had stomach pains, had not slept the night before so I was in a daze, I pretty much lay on the couch and watched the day go by. 

At some point during my hazy day, I thought, what would I have done if I was a single mom.  Call in for re-enforcement?  But what if no one came to my rescue?  I guess I would have pushed through, as us moms do on a regular basis. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! I have , on rare occasion, spent the majority of the day on the couch while the kids played around me. All 6 of us got a stomach bug over a 5 day period and it hit me late night. Symptoms were pretty much gone by morning but I was useless. J helped with the girls in the am and got them from school after but I was alone with the little ones for some hours.
